Monday, February 17, 2014

My New Brother

My new brother Harley
Sparky here. I guess it is time to introduce you to my new step brother. His name is Harley, and the mamas brought him home one day last year as a puppy. The mamas say he is so cute. Sigh. I just don't see it, but they insist that he is cute.

He is a German Shepherd mixed with something else that made him have short legs. I guess he does have a fairly cute face for a German Shepherd. He tried to take over my bed, but I told him no way or his face would not be cute anymore. I also told him the blonde mama is mine so stay away when she is with me. Other than that he is OK...sometimes. I save him some of my supper so he can have a snack before he goes to bed. In return he lets me chew on some of his rawhides. He has a million of them and a million toys too. I never saw a dog with so many toys. Kids these days!

Anyway, here is my newest brother Harley, and I will let him write to you as soon as he learns to read and write. Honestly. kids these days!

A true Canadian dog.