Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm A Country Dog Now!

I have so much to report that my paws might be worn to nubs before I'm done, but here goes!
First, I'm an only fur-child brother went to the big field in the sky back in the winter. Well, he's kinda still here, but I just can't smell him anymore. I still see him a lot though, and I think the Mamas know he's here too. Sure wish he was more here to enjoy all this new stuff.

The Mamas moved us all up here to the country a little while ago, even the young Alphas! What an adventure it's been! All these new smells and things to see! There's these things up here I've never seen before with big long ears, and they're brown and one is pretty big, and one is smaller than me. They don't run away when I come outside, so I guess they're okay. There's these little red things with long tails that chatter like mad when I go outside. I don't understand them, but they always sound kinda peeved. I can hear other dogs every now and then, and sometimes when the Mamas take me for a walk, they run out on the road to see who I am. I really don't think it's fair that they can run free and I can't. The blonde Mama keeps saying something about "road sense", and how I don't have any, but I'm sure she doesn't mean it.

I have a new Nana-person. She is the dark-haired Mama's mama. She likes to share her food with me, and I keep telling her I am happy to help her eat. I have a new Papa-person too! I have to help him eat all of his food too. I eat so much some days I can't eat my soft food in my bowl!

They have a funny house, it has these tall things that go down, but they're too steep for my short legs. I have no idea what they are, but my Mamas groan every time they go up or down. and since we sleep down...they groan a lot! The house has a wall that I can jump through too! It has things called magnets that keep the bugs out, but I can jump through it out to the screen room, or inside to the food room. I don't like jumping inside, but if there's food...look out! But only one wall has that, other walls have tall things to keep bugs out. I tried to jump through one, but I only got a headache! So many new things to learn here...

Well, I'm pretty tired now, the Mamas wouldn't let me have my nap this morning. They had me out in the screen-room guarding this morning. There was a man in a hat out in the yard that I kept telling to go away. I don't think he spoke Chihuahua... But I don't like hats. He sounded like my Papa-person, but my Papa-person doesn't wear a hat... I don't think so anyway....

But my paws are pretty sore, so I'm going to bed now. We country dogs need a lot of sleep you know!

1 comment:

The Cranky said...

Very sweet and awwwwww. Glad you're enjoying being a country dog; Lily, Abby, and Buddha want to be country dogs too!