Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Day of The Big Hole

Today was a busy day around the homestead, and I'm nearly worn out! But before I lay down for a nap, let me tell you what I did today.
The dark-haired mama got it into her head that she wanted to dig a big hole today. Why, I was never able to figure out, but she wanted a hole dug, so we dug! Here's what it looked like when we went outside..

There was a lot of grunting and lifting, lots of bees and other flying bugs but finally they let me help.

It took hours but finally we stopped for break, which was a good thing because I was tired! I convinced them to sit in the shade, and promised them I would keep watch for any dirt-stealing monsters. They gave in and we rested some.

There was more lifting, grunting and something called a wheelbarrow involved. Finally, they declared us done for the day when it looked like this...

I'm exhausted! I'm going to bed now to dream about doggie cookies.

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